Find Out Why You May Need a Roof Cricket for Your Chimney

First, what is a roof cricket? A roof cricket diverts water away from the chimney. It's an essential structure for the roof that keeps water from entering the home. The correct materials are crucial, but you also need to consider other details to keep your home leak-free.

Placing a cricket behind a chimney is necessary. Some call it a roof cricket because it looks like a small, peaked roof. The peak protrudes from the roof and is situated precisely on top at the back end of a chimney.

Keep reading to discover why a roof cricket is essential for a chimney.

Water protection

A roof leak occurs when water does not have an appropriate channel to disburse. A roof cricket around a chimney is an effective preventative measure. In the absence of a cricket, water accumulates behind the chimney in a place that should be dry. Eventually, this build-up will cause a leak and be an expensive fix.

The materials used to make chimney crickets include galvanized, stainless, and aluminum steel. The crickets are then shingled. Additionally, the shingles act as an extra line of defense against tree branches and other debris. A water and ice shield, occasionally topped with synthetic felt, is typically installed behind the cricket by experienced technicians.

Because a chimney cricket does not sit on top of a roof, it makes the use of vents unnecessary. Some professionals may install a rolling ridge vent if the roofline requires it. For installation, metal valleys will be used as flashing, fusing it to a chimney's sidewall if there is one (if not, professionals will utilize siding).

Useful all year round

Chimney crickets aren't just for summer storms or passing showers, though. They are valuable year-round. Without a cricket behind a chimney, snow and ice might accumulate in the shaded region.

This region behind a chimney might be difficult to access even after clearing the roof of snow after a large storm. A dangerous ice dam might form if the temperature falls below freezing, which is more problematic than wet snow.

An ice dam is a thick layer of ice that impedes water from flowing down the roof in the winter. If the cricket is not in place to prevent snow and ice from accumulating in this area, significant damage to the chimney may occur.

Do you need an expert installation?

Only trained professionals should perform roof installations and cricket repairs. Attic or roof leaks can occur if a chimney cap is placed improperly, wasting more time, creating unnecessary expenses, and causing more damage to a roof and chimney. If you have any concerns regarding your chimney, reach out to an experienced firm in your local area.

Patterson Construction Company installs and repairs residential roofs of all kinds, skylights, roof ventilation, fascia and underlayment on Phoenix-area homes. Call 602-825-3638 for a free quote today!


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